Our solution

Next generation treatment plants

For the last 150 years our planet has been dependent on fossil fuels. This has led to a huge environmental debt for which conventional solutions fall short in addressing.

Our solution is the MycoCube, a portable treatment plant in which the active component is fungi. It is used in-situ to minimize transportation of pollutions, and the system can be re-used at several sites.


reduction of CO2 emissions


degradation rate of oils

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100% eco friendly

MycoMine reduces the environmental impact of pollutants by up to 100%. Instead of just transforming waste into CO2 emissions, we turn it into biomass - into life.

Cost efficient

MycoMine provides cost effective solutions by reducing transportation, combustion, taxes, and fees  associated with existing alternatives.

Fully modular

Our innovative MycoCube is biological, portable, and scaleable - enabling on site treatment to meet our clients’ needs.

The process

The MycoCube process

Step 1


Hydrocarbon-based pollutants such as oils, diesel, or fuels are introduced into the MycoCube - our biologically-based treatment plant. The pollutants can be dissolved in liquids or absorbed in solids.

Step 2


In the MycoCube, fungi decompose the pollutants through biological processes. The MycoCube is inoculated with certain fungal isolates depending on what type of toxins we are seeking to remove.

Step 3


The end-product is biomass, a natural product that can be composted and recycled back into the carbon cycle. If large volumes are produced, biomass can be used for pellets for biofuel production or to manufacture various materials.

The process

How it works, step by step.

From start to finish, this is what our process looks like.

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Step 1


We survey the polluted site with our client, collect data, analyze in the lab, and advise a recommendation.

Step 2


We construct and install the MycoCube on site. Depending on the size of the polluted site, MycoCubes can be scaled accordingly.

Step 3


During the operational phase we are responsible for operations, maintenance and the performance of the MycoCube during our service subscription.

The science
of MycoCube


Microorganisms are nature's versatile tools, having evolved to thrive in extreme and toxic environments. At MycoMine, we harness these adaptive skills to enhance bioremediation, optimizing microbe efficiency and accelerating the process.

Hydrocarbon degradation

Hydrocarbon-based pollutants such as oil and plastic pose immediate threats to the environment and disrupt fragile ecosystems in the long term. MycoMine develops a sustainable mycoremediation system that utilizes fungi to decompose hydrocarbons, transforming them into non-toxic fungal biomass—a natural and eco-friendly end-product.

Element and metal extraction

The scarcity of key elements like Innovation-Critical Elements (ICE) and Rare Earth Elements (REE) hinders industrial production. Paradoxically, these elements are abundant in mine and electronic waste, posing environmental hazards through toxic leakage. Recycling these wastes reduces mining costs and benefits the environment. MycoMining offers applications for element and metal remediation in water, soil, and mine-tech waste, fostering sustainability in mining and resource extraction.

Our goals

Our goal is to solve environmental debts as well as prevent new ones.

Case study

“MycoMine’s method speeds up the natural processes”

In collaboration with the Swedish Fortifications Agency we initiated our pilot during autumn and winter 2022-2023 at Ytterby mine, close to Stockholm. Ytterby mine was used by the Swedish military forces during the cold war as fuel storage and  since the 1990’s has been subject to oil-sanitation efforts. The groundwater in the mine is still polluted by hydrocarbons and in need of treatment.The primary objective is to clean the water of the mine shaft to restore the environment of the mine.

Our MycoCube at Ytterby mine has performed over expectations with 99.9% degradation of all oils and a water quality close to drinking water. MycoCube has proven  that biological recycling of oil-based pollutants is the way forward.

Magnus Ivarsson, Researcher & CEO

STO, Sweden

Our partners


Frequently Asked Questions

What is MycoMine’s vision?

Our vision is to develop green technology based on microbial processes for sustainable treatment of environmental pollutants.

Why do we need MycoMine?

For the last 150 years our planet has been dependent on fossil fuels. This is not sustainable. We provide sustainable solutions for treatment of environmental pollutants.

What is the MycoCube?

The MycoCube is our next generation treatment plant, in which the active component is fungi. It is used in-situ to minimize transportation of pollutions, and the system can be re-used at several sites.

What does the process look like?

We take care of all the phases of MycoCube deployment, from planning and installation, to operation and maintenance. The customer subscribes to our services.

Why choose MycoMine?

We are 100% eco friendly, cost efficient and fully modular. MycoCubes can be added to each other depending on the volume of the pollution.

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